How To Achieve Success With Online Product Customization

How To Achieve Success With Online Product Customization

Oct 18th, 2016

With the increasing trend of online shopping, ecommerce stores are at a hard-hitting war of competition in the market. There is no unique rule which would work constantly for your stores’ success. How you implement and offer ongoing trends is what determines the success of your ecommerce business. One of the latest features which are popular among the shoppers is product customization.

Big websites like,,, etc. are among those online stores which have tremendously boosted their sales by providing product customization as one of the key features of their store. But that doesn’t mean that product personalization is an option only for big brands. The technology is cheap enough even to adopt even for small ecommerce stores who have a niche customer base.

Here are a few tips on how you can achieve success with online product customization:

Simplified Design and Template

Instead of welcoming the customers to start from the scratch, you should provide them an easy and enjoyable template to start from. All the customers are not designers by profession; therefore you should make the process seamless. The design of the feature page should be simplified and made pleasing to work on. Provide them with options instead of expecting them to come up with ideas on their own. Everything from choosing colors and other customizations should be available at a click. If your product customization tool doesn’t have all these features, switch to one that has. The easier it is to customize the products of their choice, the more revenue you generate from the increased sales.

Return Policies

Yes, you should be able to offer return policies like in other standard products. If there is no return or alteration policy, the customer is bound to be doubtful about the product and consider not buying it. Even though people consider not returning products they actively designed, the option gives them a sense of security. It has been found that the return rate for customized products is much lesser than in other regular merchandise, so you have less at stake and more to gain. If you are offering a 30-day return policy for other products, you can restrict it to 15-20 for customized products but make it sure that the customer is informed about it while ordering the product so they don’t feel cheated. You can also try out alteration policies to attract more customers.

Sharing Options

Social media sharing can be termed as the trend of the era. You should use it to your store’s benefit. Let your customers share the design they create. As they share the designs with friends and family, they are bound to be more satisfied with the product. Additionally, you can expect some more potential customers to your site as they come across a satisfied customer sharing his/her designs.

Set Your Limits

Don’t set goals to offer everything at once. You should maintain a pace so as to when and how introduce a new feature to the customization. Be clear on what all you have to offer. Some businesses only allow writing names and messages on their designed products while some offer designing from the scratch. Adhere to which one you want to be and gain expertise in that particular aspect.

When customers pay for what they have created themselves, it is your gain. They not only pay much higher prices for the same but also are returning and referring customers. The only thing you need to pay heed is on how you are working out the whole process. The above mentioned are the key points you should focus on, to succeed in the particular arena.

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